Upload Your Film!

Join & Create Your Filmmaker Dashboard.
To create your filmmaker page, click JOIN.
Click the button FILMMAKER.
Create your filmmaker page, by entering your NAME, and EMAIL address, and create a PASSWORD.
Click SIGN UP.
The system only allows one unique email per filmmaker dashboard. If you are creating a second filmmaker dashboard, the system will not allow you to use the same email.

This is Your Filmmaker Dashboard
From your filmmaker dashboard you can do the following:
Update your PROFILE information.
Change your PASSWORD.
Access all the films that you uploaded to www.opprime.tv and their respective film page. Note that the REFERRAL LINK for each film is on their respective film page.
View your ROYALTY PAYMENT REPORT for each film.
You can UPLOAD A SERIES of episodes for your episodic.
You can DELETE your films or episodes from the platform.
You can become a paid subscriber to www.opprime.tv and access our entire library of films.

Scroll Down to View Your Videos on the "Uploaded Videos" Section of Your Filmmaker Dashboard
This is the list of videos that you, the individual filmmaker, have uploaded. The headings on the Upload Videos Section of your filmmaker dashboard are defined as follows:
“#” – The platform assigns each video a unique number. The film “Eyes Within You” is the 742nd video on the platform.
“Genre” – You will need to choose your film from the following genres:
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
“Type” – You will need to choose your film from the following type of video:
Feature Film ( < 45 minutes)
Short Film ( > 45 minutes)
“Uploaded By” – The name of the filmmaker is automatically entered from the profile information.
“Uploaded Date” – Time since the video was uploaded - automatically generated by the platform.
“Action” – This is the status of the film.
“Submitted” – The film was submitted and not accepted by the Review Committee or the film was accepted but deleted from the platform by the filmmaker at some point in time.
“Delete” Button – The film is live on the platform. If the filmmaker wants to delete the film, they press the Delete button, and the film is erased from the platform.
When your updates to the video information are complete, CLICK the red UPDATE VIDEO INFO button and your changes will be updated in the system. The platform will inform you of the successful updates with a green bar across the top of the screen that says, “YOUR VIDEO HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED.”

Click the Film “Return (Donus)” and Explore the Film Page.
Update Video Info – By clicking the pencil icon, you can change any information related to the film.
Title – PLEASE NOTE – if you change the title of the film AT ANY TIME, the platform will DELETE the old REFERRAL LINK associated with the old name and generate a new REFERRAL LINK associated with the new name. We recommend that you do not change the name of the film.
Length of the film (HH:MM:SS)
Year of the film’s release
Filmmakers’ country of origin
Is the video suitable for <17 years old (Click if Yes)
Video type (Documentary, Feature, or Short Film)
Discover the Power of Referral Links
Click Below to See How the Referral Link Works on Each Film Page
This is a live Referral Link for Eldar Bora's film, 'Donus.' By clicking this link and subscribing to OPPRIME.tv through this Referral Link, half of your $5.00 subscription fee will be paid directly to filmmaker Eldar Bora.
This is the live Referral Link for the short film “Return (Donus)” by filmmaker Eldar Bora. If you click this live link, you can subscribe to our service and Eldar Bora will be paid based on the commission splits he earns (see: “The Guarantee” page for information on royalties).
To copy the Referral Link, click the red page icon. The Referral Link can be pasted to an email, a Word document, a social media bio, or a post. You can test any Referral Link by clicking and hyperlinking to our order page.

Uploading Your Video:
All films must be 1080 HD and in one of the following formats: avi, mp4, mov, pmg, wmv, ogg, ogv, 3pg. The file must be no bigger than 5 Gigs.
Click Upload Video in the drop-down box.
Upload your video by clicking the Select Video button.
Upload your movie poster by clicking the Select Poster button.