"A dream that you don't fight for can haunt you for the rest of your life."
"A dream that you don't fight for can haunt you for the rest of your life."
-Stanley Tucci
What We Do
Our Guarantee
Stream your short, feature, or niche film on OPPRIME.tv:
We guarantee you’ll get paid directly from your fans with OPPRIME.tv’s Referral Link technology. No other indie film company can promise that!
Reach more fans around the world right now and grow your audience.
We promote you to 80K new indie film fans on social media and email.
Stop Struggling Alone!
I know chasing your creative dreams feels tough, like carrying a heavy load. Filmmaking can make you tired in both your mind and body, and the stress of money problems makes it even harder. You struggle to find an audience for your film and to make money from your fans. Stop trying to carry the weight all by yourself. With the Referral Link technology, OPPRIME.tv guarantees that you will make money from your fans. OPPRIME.tv will stream and promote your film to our global audience. Our Creative Catalyst Group will help you break into Hollywood and turn your creative ideas and dreams into success.
The War of Art
Promoting my movie left me stressed. Marketing was hard for me. I had a film in my hands, but it felt like I was shouting into the wind, trying to get it in front of people. I couldn’t reach different groups or find a special audience for my films. Getting into film festivals and finding money for my films was always a big challenge. It was hard to meet the right people, and it felt impossible to connect with people in Hollywood or the top indie filmmakers. Finding someone to help distribute my movies was like sifting through endless piles of hay to find one tiny needle, and when I did, the contracts wrapped around me like a confusing maze.
Rising from the Ashes
The business of art is a war. The creative vision of the artist is always under relentless attack on multiple fronts. It's hard to make money, get into the right film festivals, find a distributor, and reach an audience. Every step feels like pushing through a battlefield. Art is a fight that never ends.
I stumbled and fell as a filmmaker, but my love for independent filmmaking never wavered. From the ashes of my filmmaking career, OPPRIME.tv was born, like a phoenix rising again. I took everything I learned from that fall to help other filmmakers rise and succeed.
We called the company 'opprime,' which is the French word for 'underdog.'
Hollywood director, podcaster, and blogger Noam Kroll said, "How likely is it for an indie film to make money? Statistically, it’s not good—97% of independent films don’t make money." Truer words were never spoken!
After two tough years, we were hanging by a thread, ready to close our doors. We weren’t making any money, and it was embarrassing to send amazing filmmakers just $8 or $9 through PayPal. OPPRIME.tv was sinking fast. The payment system filmmakers needed wasn’t out there—it didn’t exist. Then, like a spark of lightning on a wet cocktail napkin, the idea for the OPPRIME.tv Referral Link was scribbled down. Today, Visa and Mastercard call it a revolutionary tool, built to help filmmakers grab hold of real earnings from their films.
The business world has a bullet with our name on it, aiming to take us down. But we keep moving, refusing to stand still. We won't back down. OPPRIME.tv is here for the independent filmmaker who keeps running, who dodges every hit, and never stops. We are here for the filmmaker who refuses to quit, no matter how hard the fight.
You Make Money – We Guarantee
We are the only company in the Independent Film Economy with the technology to back up this promise. With OPPRIME.tv's Referral Link, your film doesn’t need to be long, have a big budget, or from a super popular genre. Here’s how you make money:
Your fans subscribe to OPPRIME.tv through your unique Referral Link – including friends, family, cast, crew, and anyone who loves your work.
OPPRIME.tv promotes your film to our 40K followers and 40K email list of indie film lovers.
It’s like crowdfunding: the more fans that subscribe through your link, the more money you make!
How I Made Money – Testimonial
“I made a 6-minute short film called ‘A Fly on the Wall.’ I uploaded it to OPPRIME.tv. After 30 days, I got my first payment of $112.50 through PayPal. I haven’t uploaded any new films since, but I’ve made $112.50 every month. After one year, I’ve earned a total of $1,350 from this short film.”
-- Mike Rodriguez, Filmmaker
Save Time & Succeed Faster
We help you with the business of your art, so that you can make money from your creation. We work with filmmakers, producers, and media creators like you who love discovering new ways to make your mark in the film and media industry. Together, we guarantee you'll get results!
In this business, it’s hard to reach audiences. With OPPRIME.tv, we help you connect with people all over the world by streaming your film on our platform, featuring award-winning movies.
In this business, earning money can feel impossible. With OPPRIME.tv, we help you make money and get the best results.
Breaking into Hollywood seems impossible. With OPPRIME.tv, we help you, whether it’s by distributing films, starting new channels, or creating podcasts and TV shows.
Your Dreams Matter
We offer you a free consultation because we care about your dream and want to help you carry it forward. Without a solid plan, success slips through your fingers. With OPPRIME.tv, we sit down with you, listen to your story, feel your vision, and guide you toward real results. Whether you take your first step or have walked this path, we’re here to walk beside you now!
Click to schedule your consultation now!